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Important Information

Mandatory Fees

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Departure tax is 20.00 U.S. dollars. Cash or Credit is accepted.

Mandatory Fee Additional Information: At check-out

Policy Restrictions

Smoking Restrictions: Please check with resort for smoking policy.

General Urgent Information

Message: Prior to travel, RCI recommends contacting your host resort as well as local, state and federal websites for advisories that may impact your travel or vacation experience.

Message: RCI and its related entities shall not have any liability related to individual resorts’ on-site COVID-19 testing (or absence of on-site COVID-19 testing).

Message: RCI MEMBERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BANK UNTIL FUTURE NOTICE. PLEASE REFER ALL INQUIRES TO FRED JARVIS AT 268/480-2700. No RCI inbounds will be allowed to check in at this resort and will be relocated.