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Important Information

Mandatory Fees

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Occupancy tax is 9.43 to 12.99 U.S. dollars. Only Credit Cards accepted.

Mandatory Fee Additional Information: The fee is per night and based on the booked unit size.

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Lodging tax is 6.70 to 9.86 U.S. dollars. Cash or Credit is accepted.

Mandatory Fee Additional Information: Per night due at check-in.

Policy Restrictions

Multiple Floors Without Elevator Access: No

Pets: No Pets. Please contact the resort directly regarding its ADA/general service animal policy.

Smoking Restrictions: Please check with resort for smoking policy. No smoking in units: could result in forfeiture of the unit and/or other penalties.

General Urgent Information

Message: Prior to travel, please visit for advisories that may impact your Hilton Grand Vacations travel or vacation experience

Message: Fees or deposits are charged for some amenities.

Message: Prior to travel, RCI recommends contacting your host resort as well as local, state and federal websites for advisories that may impact your travel or vacation experience.

Message: This resort pledges to comply with ‘Timeshare Safe Welcome’, ARDA’s recommended Industry Guidance to promote health and safety in the Timeshare Industry. Visit for complete details.

Message: If ADA accessible accommodations are required, please contact the resort directly to inquire about the availability of your preferred accommodations. If suitable accommodations are available, the resort can confirm your stay and pre-assign a unit for you. (Please wait at least 2 days after confirming before contacting the resort to allow time for systems to be updated with the reservation details)

Message: Registered Bay Club guests are currently offered a special $100.00 daily pass or $225.00 for 3 day pass or $500 for a 7 day pass to use the recreational water facilities at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Hotel next door to the resort.

Message: In preparation for your upcoming trip check for any vaccine and/or testing requirements, travel restrictions, policies, or mandates related to Covid-19 to and from your destination. Resources available online include, but are not limited to, government, airline, and your host resort’s website.