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Important Information

Mandatory Fees

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Security deposit is 250.00 U.S. dollars. Cash or Credit is accepted.

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Occupancy tax is 9.50 to 11.87 U.S. dollars. Cash or Credit is accepted.

Mandatory Fee Additional Information: Per day

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Utility surcharge is 7.00 to 12.00 U.S. dollars. Cash or Credit is accepted.

Mandatory Fee Info: Mandatory Environment Tax is 10.00 to 25.00 U.S. dollars. Cash or Credit is accepted.

Mandatory Fee Additional Information: Per stay

Policy Restrictions

Smoking Restrictions: Please check with resort for smoking policy.

General Urgent Information

Message: Prior to travel, RCI recommends contacting your host resort as well as local, state and federal websites for advisories that may impact your travel or vacation experience.

Message: Occupancy limits are strictly enforced: Violations could result in forfeiture of the unit and/or other penalties.

Message: Credit card imprint required upon check-in at the resort.

Message: All visitors will be required to comply with arrival, screening and health procedures as mandated by the Aruba Airport Authority and the Government of Aruba. Please review all advisories for detailed information.

Message: Travelers from US states with a high incidence of COVID-19 cases must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test prior to traveling to Aruba via the digital Embarkation-Disembarkation Card (ED card). Travelers from Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Central America, and South America remain banned.

Message: Please visit at least 48 hours prior to your departure to Aruba to speed up your customs paperwork for both arrival and departure.

Message: Only 2BR in main building are on beach side (not facing ocean).

Message: RCI and its related entities shall not have any liability related to individual resorts’ on-site COVID-19 testing (or absence of on-site COVID-19 testing).

Message: In preparation for your upcoming trip check for any vaccine and/or testing requirements, travel restrictions, policies, or mandates related to Covid-19 to and from your destination. Resources available online include, but are not limited to, government, airline, and your host resort’s website.

Message: Resort cannot honor unit upgrades or moves.